Create and Add Visuals to the Visual Gallery
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
When you access the visual gallery, it displays a list of all the visuals you and other content authors have created and can use, based on your access permissions. You can add visuals directly to this gallery, or convert a local visual to add it to the visual gallery to make it available to others for use.
Create a visual in the Visual Gallery
Log into Symphony as a user with the Create Visuals or Administer Visuals group privilege.
Select the Visual Gallery option from the main menu. The Visuals page appears.
Select Add Visual to add a new visual. The Select a Source dialog appears.
Select a data source on the Step 1 of 2: Select a Source dialog. The Select a Visual Type dialog appears.
Select a visual style on the Step 2 of 2: Select Visual Type dialog. For example, select Bars. The visual is created.
Note: If you create a table visual, you are prompted to select one or more columns to include. Select your columns, then select Create Visual to generate the visual.
Optionally, select the default visual name (Untitled Visual) and change it. See Visual Names and Display Names.
The minimum length of visual names and display names is one character; the maximum length is 255 characters. Names can start with and contain numbers, special characters, and uppercase and lowercase characters. Names can contain spaces, but cannot start with a space. Names can't be empty, contain only spaces, or include leading or trailing spaces.
Visual name uniqueness is enforced. When you attempt to save a visual in the Visual Gallery with the same name as another visual, an error message appears and the visual is not saved.
You can also add a Visual Description for this visual. This content in searchable in the visual gallery, and appears in the info panel of the visual both in the gallery and dashboards.
Make any other changes to the visual that you need.
Save the visual.
Add a local visual to the Visual Gallery
Create or select a local visual in your dashboard, then select
to view available visual options.
Select Add to Visual Gallery. A Save Options dialog opens.
Enter a Visual Name and optionally, a Visual Description.
Leave Replace the visual on the dashboard option selected to add the visual to the gallery and replace the local visual on your dashboard. Deselect to add the visual to the gallery and leave the local visual in place.
If the saved visual name exists in the visual gallery, your visual saved with a number in parentheses
at the end of the name to make it unique to the gallery. -
Save the dashboard to save your changes. If you change the visual, save the visual to retain your visual changes.
Note: If you deselect Replace the visual on the dashboard, your visual is added to the visual gallery, and a copy (the local visual) remains on your dashboard.
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