List of Keyboard Shortcuts
This applies to: Managed Dashboards, Managed Reports
A number of keyboard shortcuts are available in dashboards and other views, for basic design tasks such as cut/copy/paste, undo/redo, and more.
Cut, Copy and Paste
Shortcut keys |
What it does |
Undoable |
Associated API / script function |
Ctrl + X |
Cut the selected controls or groups. |
Yes |
canvasService.cut() |
Ctrl + C |
Copy the selected controls or groups. |
Yes |
canvasService.copy() |
Ctrl + V |
Paste the selected controls or groups. |
Yes |
canvasService.paste() |
Delete Key |
Delete the selected controls or groups. |
Yes |
canvasService.removeCanvasObject() |
Shift + Drag |
Move a file to another folder (quick cut and paste) instead of copying. |
No |
fileSystemService.moveEntry() |
Shortcut keys |
What it does |
Undoable |
Associated API / script function |
Ctrl + Z |
Undo the last action. |
N/A |
canvasService.undo() |
Ctrl + Y |
Redo the last undone action. |
N/A |
canvasService.redo() |
Shortcut keys |
What it does |
Undoable |
Associated API / script function |
Alt + Keypad (+) |
Increase zoom (i.e., zoom in). |
No |
N/A |
Alt + Keypad (-) |
Decrease zoom (i.e., zoom out). |
No |
N/A |
Shift + Mouse Wheel |
Increase or decrease zoom. |
No |
N/A |
Positioning Controls
Shortcut keys |
What it does |
Undoable |
Associated API / script function |
Arrow Keys |
Nudge the selected controls or groups by 1 px. |
Yes |
canvasService.nudge() |
Ctrl + Arrow Keys |
Nudge the selected controls or groups by 10 px. |
Yes |
canvasService.nudge() |
Ctrl + Drag |
Disable the snap grid while dragging. |
Yes |
N/A |
Alt + Drag |
Disable snapping to other controls on the canvas. |
Yes |
N/A |
Shift + Drag |
Ignore drop zones and template cells when dragging from the Explore window. |
Yes |
N/A |
Shift + Resize |
Resize both width and height proportionally, maintaining aspect ratio. |
Yes |
N/A |
Multi-Select Controls and Group Them
Shortcut keys |
What it does |
Undoable |
Associated API / script function |
Shift + Click Ctrl + Click ⌘ + Click |
Multi-select controls, groups, or template grid cells. |
No |
N/A |
G |
Group selected controls or groups. |
Yes | |
Shift + G |
Ungroup selected groups. |
Yes |
canvasService.ungroup() |
Ctrl + A |
Select all. If something is selected in a template cell, select all in that template cell. |
No |
canvasService.selectAll() |
Open or Close Dockable Windows
Shortcut keys |
What it does |
Undoable |
Associated API / script function |
Shift + E |
Open Explore. |
No |
N/A |
Shift + L |
Open Layers. |
No |
N/A |
Shift + P |
Open Properties. |
No |
N/A |
Shift + C |
Open Script Editor. |
No |
N/A |
Shift + R |
Open Parameters. |
No |
N/A |
Shift + D |
Open Data Preview. |
No |
N/A |
Shift + A |
Open Labels. |
No |
N/A |
Script Editor Shortcuts
Other Shortcuts
Shortcut keys |
What it does |
Undoable |
Associated API / script function |
Ctrl + ` |
Toggle between View and Edit mode. |
No |
canvasService.isEditMode |
Shift + Drag |
Moves data assigned from one place to another instead of copying it in the Data Analysis Panel Visualization tab |
No |
N/A |
Data Visualization Shortcuts
Shortcut keys |
DV |
What it does |
Ctrl + C ⌘ + C |
Table |
Copy selected text in a table cell to the clipboard in View mode. |
Shift + Click |
Table |
Select the range of rows or columns between the clicked one and the original selection (inclusive). |
Ctrl + Click ⌘ + Click |
Table |
Select or de-select individual rows or columns while maintaining the rest of the current selection. |
Ctrl + Shift +Click ⌘ + Shift +Click |
Table |
Select the range of rows or columns between the clicked one and the previous selection (inclusive) while maintaining the rest of the current selection. |
Shift + Drag Ctrl + Drag ⌘ + Drag |
Chart |
Select the data points within the area between where you pressed and where you released the mouse button while maintaining the previous selection. |
For more information, see: