Arc Gauges
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
Arc gauges are based on a single metric. They are supported by all Symphony data connectors.
This topic describes:
- Display Arc Gauge Label Description
- Adjust the Arc Gauge Value Range
- Adjust Arc Gauge Color Metric Value Range
- Display Arc Gauge Values as Percentages
- Configure Colors for a Specific Arc Gauge
Display Arc Gauge Label Description
You can show a description of the arc gauge label. The label shows the value that is plotted, but the label description shows the calculation for the plotted value in the format <actual value>/<maximum value>
. By default, the label description is not shown.
To display the arc gauge label description:
Edit the visual you want to modify. See Edit Visuals.
on the visual sidebar. The Settings sidebar for the visual appears.
Slide the Show label description switch on (to the right).
The changes are made to the arc gauge and the label description is shown.
Optionally, enable Display Null as Zero by sliding the switch on (to the right).
to save the visual.
Adjust the Arc Gauge Value Range
Configure minimum and maximum arc gauge values for a specific arc gauge
Edit the visual you want to modify. See Edit Visuals.
on the visual sidebar. The Rulers sidebar for the visual appears.
In the Metric section of the sidebar, configure the settings as described below.
Setting Description Min
Specify the minimum value for the gauge. Select the Auto checkbox to have Symphony automatically determine the minimum value from the data for the arc gauge metric.
If the Static maximum value switch is on, specify the maximum value for the gauge. Select the Auto checkbox to have Symphony automatically determine the maximum value from the data for the arc gauge metric.
If the Static maximum value switch is off, select a second metric to use for the maximum value of the gauge. For example, if the arc metric was the number of apples, you might select a second metric representing the total number of fruit. In this way, the arc gauge would plot the total number of apples as it relates to the total number of fruit.
Static maximum value
This switch allows you to plot the arc gauge metric as it relates to a second metric.
By default, this switch is on. When it is on, the maximum value of the arc gauge is determined by the Max setting for the arc metric or the maximum value of the data for the selected arc metric. Only the values of the selected arc metric are used.
You can select and format the numeric attribute used for this field. See Configure Number Formatting for Visuals.
Slide the Static maximum value switch off (to the left) to select a second metric to use for the maximum value of the gauge.
Select Apply. The changes are made to the arc gauge.
to save the visual.
Adjust Arc Gauge Color Metric Value Range
The color metric determines the color used by the arc gauge. Color settings are mostly specified on the Color sidebar for the arc gauge, but you can adjust the range for the color metric of an arc gauge using the Rulers sidebar.
Configure minimum and maximum values for the color metric selected for a specific arc gauge
Edit the visual you want to modify. See Edit Visuals.
on the visual sidebar. The Rulers sidebar for the visual appears.
In the Color Metric section of the sidebar, configure the settings as described below.
Setting Description Min
Specify the minimum value for the color metric. Select the Auto checkbox to have Symphony automatically determine the minimum value from the data for the color metric.
If the Static maximum value switch is on, specify the maximum value of the color metric used for the arc gauge. Select the Auto checkbox to have Symphony automatically determine the maximum value from the color metric.
If the Static maximum value switch is off, select a second metric to use for the maximum value of the color metric used for the arc gauge.
Static maximum value
This switch allows you to set the color of the arc gauge as it relates to a second metric.
By default, this switch is on. When it is on, the color range of the arc gauge is determined by the Max setting for the color metric or the maximum value of the data for the selected color metric. Only the values of the selected color metric are used.
Slide the Static maximum value switch off (to the left) to select a different metric to use for the color of the gauge.
Select Apply. The changes are made to the arc gauge.
Select the save (
) icon to save the visual.
Display Arc Gauge Values as Percentages
When you first create an arc gauge visual, the values shown on the gauge are the raw values of the plotted metric. You can alter this to show the values as a percentage of the maximum value of the gauge.
Dsplay arc gauge values as percentages in an a specific arc gauge
Edit the visual you want to modify. See Edit Visuals.
on the visual sidebar. The Settings sidebar for the visual appears. The arc gauge shows raw values by default.
Under Show Values As, select Relative. The arc gauge values are shown as percentages.
To show raw values again, select Absolute. This is the default setting.
After making your display choice, select the save (
) icon to save the visual.
Configure Colors for a Specific Arc Gauge
Specify the color settings for a specific arc gauge using the Color sidebar
Edit the visual you want to modify. See Edit Visuals.
on the visual sidebar. The Color sidebar for the visual appears.
Configure the color settings as described below. As you change the color settings, the legend at the top of the Color sidebar shows how the legend will appear on the visual. Supported color specifications are described in Specify Colors.
Setting Description Legend
Enable or disable to display a dynamic legend in this visual. Dynamic legends allow you to temporarily add or remove data shown in the visual.
- For distinct color styles, select a data point in the legend to turn it off and on in the visual.
- For gradient color styles, use the legend’s gradient slider to show and hide your data.
If available, enable or disable a static legend for this visual.
Label Color
Select a label color. Select the Inherit from theme checkbox to use the color palette specified by the theme.
Label Description Color
Select a color for the label description. Select the Inherit from theme checkbox to use the color palette specified by the theme.
Color Metric
Select the metric that affects the segment color in the visual. You can also define the default aggregation function used for the metric values: SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN, or (for some data sources) LAST VALUE. See Metric Aggregation Functions.
Color Palette
If a color palette is specified for this visual type in the data source defaults, select the color palette for this specific visual. If a color range is selected for KPI visuals in the data source defaults, this setting is not available. Select the Inherit from theme checkbox to use the color palette specified by the theme.
Color Mode
Select Distinct Colors or Gradient to identify the way colors are used on the screen. Either specific distinct colors will be used or a gradient of colors will be used.
Threshold Mode
If you selected the Gradient color mode, this setting cannot be changed. If you selected the Distinct Colors color mode, select either Auto or Manual from the drop-down list. Auto will automatically assign thresholds and colors for the visual. Manual allows you to change the thresholds and colors used on the visual.
Number of colors
Specify the number of colors to use for the visual.
Color Rules
Color rules allow you to change the colors for each color used for the visual. In addition, if you specified a Manual threshold mode, you can select the thresholds used for color settings in the visual. See Understand Visual Color Condition Thresholds
Thresholds in Percentage
This switch allows you to set the color thresholds for the arc gauge in percentages. Slide the Thresholds in percentage switch on (to the right) to specify color thresholds in percentages.
By default, this switch is off and color threshold settings must be raw values.
This setting is only available if Threshold Mode is set to Manual.
Close the Color sidebar and the color settings are dynamically applied to the visual.
Select the save (
) icon to save the dashboard and the visual with its updated settings.
Understand Visual Color Condition Thresholds
You can set threshold color conditions for metric-based visuals. At least two color settings are required. In addition, thresholds are specified between each color setting. (So three color settings require two threshold settings; four color settings require three threshold settings, etc.)
The color for Color 1 is used when the value of the color metric is less than the first threshold value.
The color for Color 2 is used when the value of the color metric falls between the first and second threshold values.
If only three colors are used for the visual, the color for Color 3 is used when the value of the color metric is greater than or equal to the second threshold value.
If more than three colors are used, the color for Color 3 is used when the value of the color metric falls between the second and third threshold values.
When more than three colors are used, the colors continue to be applied in this pattern for all threshold settings; any color metric values greater than the last threshold setting have the final color applied.
You can have Symphony automatically set the thresholds or you can manually set them.
For information about the color encoding supported by Symphony, see Specify Colors.
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