Remove Tags
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
Some users can remove tags associated with your content when no longer needed for that item.
Users with the privileges Administer Tags, Create Tags or who have READ + WRITE permissions to dashboards, data sources, and visual gallery visuals can remove tags from these resources.
Remove a tag from a data discovery dashboard
Open a dashboard you have permissions to access and edit, then select the manage tags icon (
). The Manage Tags work area opens.
Select a tag in the Tags field; select the x icon to remove the tag.
Make any other changes to the tags associated with this dashboard.
Select Save to save your changes to this dashboard.
Note: You can also remove a tag from a dashboard when you save the dashboard: select the x icon to remove the tag.
Remove a tag from a data discovery data source
Open a data source you have permissions to access and edit, then expand the Source Definition work area.
Select a tag in the Tags field; select the x icon to remove the tag.
- Make any other changes to the tags associated with this data source.
Select Save Source to save your tags with this data source.
Remove a tag from a Visual Data Discovery visual gallery visual
Open a visual you have permissions to access and edit, then select the manage tags icon (
). The Manage Tags work area opens.
Select a tag in the Tags field; select the x icon to remove the tag.
- Make any other changes to the tags associated with this visual.
Select the save icon to save your tags for this visual.
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