Symphony Managed Dashboards and Reports Config File
This applies to: Managed Dashboards, Managed Reports
This article describes the dbi.config
file used to define pieces of information needed to start the application. This is initially configured as part of the installation process.
Application Database Connection String
The connection string that Symphony uses to connect to its application database is defined in the connectionStrings element:
If this section is encrypted, it can be decrypted using the dt command line tool. See Using the dt Command Line Tool.
Symphony can use either a Microsoft SQL Server database or a PostgreSQL database to store its application data, and connection strings are defined differently for each. For syntax details including available parameters/keywords, see Microsoft Docs for SQL Server or Npgsql for PostgreSQL.
Note: The warehouse database connection string can be changed from the configuration settings while logged in as an administrator. Its connection string uses the same syntax.
Application Storage Type
The ApplicationStorage key should be set to the type of database you are using. Below is an example of how this would look for SQL Server:
Setting the Temp Data Path
The temp data path is the path where any temporary application data is saved. If it is not set or set to empty string, the App_Data path is used. The following folders would exist under the folder defined by this setting:
Recycle the Application Pool
For changes to this file to take effect, you need to recycle the application pool in IIS or the website service on Linux.
Complete Example
The following is a complete example of a dbi.config
file's contents, including some example keys provided as comments for reference:
For more information, see:
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