Log on to Symphony
This applies to: Managed Dashboards, Managed Reports
Since Symphony is web-based, all you need is a web browser to get started. Just navigate to the Symphony website address and log in with your account information.
Depending on how Symphony has been installed or hosted, the URL could look like any of the following:
If you're logged onto a Windows server computer where Symphony was installed, you can also launch the Symphony instance from the Start menu.
Symphony Login Screen
When you navigate to the URL for Symphony, you should see the login screen.
Enter your SymphonyLogin Name and Password if you have them, and then click the Log in button.
If you have just installed Symphony yourself, the default logon name is admin and the password is the one that you specified during the installation procedure.
You can also register for a new account as shown below, or contact your Symphony administrator directly to obtain a login name and password if you prefer.
Log on Using Windows or Another Provider
Different login options may appear if your Symphony instance was configured to use another identity provider.
In this case, click the corresponding button instead, such as Log in with Windows for Windows authentication.
If you are using Windows authentication, an alternative is to specify your domain-qualified Windows user name in the Logon Name field. Depending on the Windows user name format indicated by your Symphony administrator, you may use either the default NT4 format (DOMAIN\UserName) or the User Principal Name (UserName@Domain.com).
Register For a New User Account
If you don't have a Symphony user account, you can register for one by clicking the Register button. You'll be able to log in after your Symphony administrator approves the request.
Under Register new account, enter the following information:
your email address
an login name, which you will use to log on with (can be the same as your email address)
a display name (visible to other users)
an optional message for the administrator to read when seeing your request
Reset Your Password
If you have forgotten your password, click Forgot password.
Enter your Account Name and then click the button below to send your request. You'll receive an email with instructions for resetting your password.
For more information, see
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