Configure a Periodic Refresh Job
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
You can configure a periodic refresh job for the data cached for a data source configuration.
Configure a periodic refresh job for a data source configuration
Log in as a user with the Administer Sources privilege, or a user with read and write permission for the data source.
Select the Sources option from the main menu. The Sources page appears.
On the Sources page, locate and select the data source configuration you want to edit. The Source Creation work area opens.
Select the Cache tab. All the fields from your data source are listed.
Select to enable Schedule Refresh Settings and select Periodic in the pop up. The settings work area for a periodic refresh job appear.
Select the time interval for the job to be run using the Frequency list. Options Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. Depending on the Runs option you select, corresponding options become available in the Run every section:
Runs Selection Run every Specification Daily
Specify the time of day in Run Time, and a start and end date for daily runs at that time using the calendar options in From and To.
The first job runs on the date and time at which you save the data source.
Subsequent jobs continue daily until the last date and time occur.
Select the day of the week for the job to be run in Run on, time of day in Run Time, and a start and end date for weekly runs at the time using the calendar options in From and To.
The first job runs on the date and time at which you save the data source.
Subsequent jobs continue weekly until the last date and time occur.
Specify the number of months between job runs in Run on, time of day in Run Time, and a start and end date for monthly interval runs at the time using the calendar options in From and To.
The first job runs on the date and time at which you save the data source.
Subsequent jobs run at the Run Time time after the number of months you specify have passed.
For example, if you set your job to run every three months and the Start on time is April 4, 2024 at 5:00 a.m., the subsequent job runs on July 4, 2024 at 5:00 a.m.
- Select Save to save your changes, then exit the source data configuration when you've finished defining your periodic refresh jobs. A summary of the configuration appears below Schedule Refresh Settings.
Note: If you disable Schedule Refresh Settings, any schedule you had set up previously is deleted.
Select the Schedule Refresh menu () button to quickly enable or disable scheduled refreshing for all fields. This is available only if you have enabled Schedule Refresh Settings and defined a frequency.
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