Identify Specific Fields for a Refresh Job
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
You can select specific fields to be refreshed by a data source refresh job using the Configuration section of the Refresh tab.
Select specific fields for a refresh job for a data source configuration
Log in as a user with the Administer Sources privilege, or a user with read and write permission for the data source.
Select the Sources option from the Tools menu in the main menu. The Sources page appears.
On the Sources page, locate and select the data source configuration you want to edit. The Source Creation work area opens.
Select the Cache tab. All the fields from your data source are listed.
To refresh all the fields in your data source, select the refresh (
) button for Manual Refresh to trigger a manual refresh for all fields.
Otherwise, select the refresh (
) button for specific fields. Exit the source data configuration when you've finished triggering all of your manual refreshes.
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