Disable, Enable, and Remove Tenants
You can temporarily disable or completely remove (delete) tenants as needed to manage your environment.
Disable a Tenant
If you want to remove access to a tenant without removing all users and content, disable the tenant for as long as needed.
When you disable a tenant, users who are members only in this tenant can no longer access content they've created there and see a message that the tenant has been disabled.
Log in as a system administrator.
Select Tenants from the main menu. The Tenant work area opens.
Scroll through the list of tenants or search for the tenant by name.
When you find your tenant, select the Actions menu, and choose Edit tenant. The Edit tenant work area opens.
Slide the Enabled toggle to the left (disable).
Select Update tenant to disable the tenant.
A message is returned indicating the tenant is updated. To view disabled tenants, enable the toggle Show disabled in the Tenants work area.
Enable a Tenant
Disabled tenants can be enabled in your software environment when you're ready to allow users to create and work with their content.
Log in as the supplied admin user (System Administrator).
Select Tenants from the main menu. The Tenant work area opens.
Enable the toggle Show disabled in the Tenants work area. Scroll through the list of tenants or search for the tenant by name.
When you find your tenant, select the Actions menu, and choose Edit tenant. The Edit tenant work area opens.
Slide the Enabled toggle to the right (enable).
Select Update tenant to enable the tenant.
A message is returned indicating the tenant is updated. Users can now log in to the tenant and work with their content.
Remove a Tenant
If you remove (delete) a tenant, all content created for that tenant is deleted.
If a user is associated only with that tenant, the user is deleted as well.
If a user associated with multiple tenants, their user remains in your environment, and can still access their other tenant work areas.
Log in as the supplied admin user or a system administrator.
Select Tenants from the main menu. The Tenant work area opens.
Enable the toggle Show disabled in the Tenants work area if needed. Scroll through the list of tenants or search for the tenant by name.
When you find your tenant, select the Actions menu, and choose Remove tenant. The Remove tenant confirmation dialog opens.
Select Remove to remove the tenant and any resources.
A message is returned indicating the tenant is removed.
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