Manage Licenses
Use Symphony licenses to incorporate one or more modules into your Symphony environment. This article discusses licensing for the Managed Dashboards and Managed Reports modules and the Visual Data Discovery module.
Managed Dashboards and Managed Reports Modules
This applies to: Managed Dashboards, Managed Reports
Important: If you are running Managed Dashboards and Reports along with Visual Data Discovery, you will need a license for each module.
Select Licenses from the main menu to open a Licenses work area for all modules. Here you can see overview details about all licenses, or filter only the license types by module you want to see.
Select License details from the Actions menu to open a work area specific to that module's licenses to manage as needed.
Important: If your licenses have expired or there are other issues with your licenses, system administrator users can still log on. They are restricted to Viewer privileges, but can correct the licensing issue.
Add a License
Note: Obtain your license file or text from your Symphony account manager.
Add a new license key (Licenses work area)
Select Licenses from the main menu. A Licenses work area for all modules opens.
Select License details from the Actions menu. A Licenses a work area specific to the module you selected, showing the licenses in your environment.
Select Add New to add a new license. An Add License work area opens.
Add the license information in one of the following ways:
- Drag and drop the license file from your computer or networked location
- Select Choose File to select a file from your computer or networked location
- Copy and paste the license text into the field provided
Save your license. The license list is updated with the new entry.
Log out, then log back in to view the license update, and if applicable, the removal of the evaluation watermark.
View Your Licenses
You can view your license information in the Licensing work area. Select any license in the list, then select Details for more information on the license.
View your licenses (Licenses work area)
Select Licenses from the main menu. A Licenses work area for all modules opens, showing license module name, status, expiration date, and days remaining in the current licensing period.
Use the filters to limit the licenses shown by selecting a module, or view all licenses by selecting All.
To see more information about a specific license, select License details from the Actions menu.
A Licenses a work area specific to the licensed module opens, showing the licenses in your environment.
Take any actions needed for the licenses, or navigate away when you're done viewing the licenses.
Visual Data Discovery Module
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
Note: Use the DevNet License Manager to obtain license keys. These are provided to the person in your organization we term the License POC (Point of Contact). If you don't know who your License POC is, please reach out to your Account Manager.
Note: When a Symphony standard or trial license expires, only system administrators can log in (to update the license). Regular users are shown a message that the license has expired.
Manage your license keys in one of three ways:
For more information, see Request and Apply a New License Key.
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