Selecting Structures For Data Connector Discovery
This applies to: Managed Dashboards, Managed Reports
When setting up a data connector for most data providers such as for a database, you have the option of selecting which native structures (e.g., tables or cubes) will be discovered and appear in the Explore window.
For example, the database you want to connect to may have hundreds of tables but for your current project you only need a few of those tables.
Note: Tabular data providers such as Excel do not provide this option.
Select Structures
When creating a new data connector, or after opening an existing one from the main menu, scroll down and click Select structures.
In the Select Data Structures dialog, select which native structures you want to be discovered and included under the data connector in the Explore window.
Submit the data connector to begin discovery. After this completes, create a new dashboard and go to the Explore window to see your data connector which should list only the structures you selected.
Note: Structures used by downstream elements such as data cubes will still be discovered even if not selected. You can check for these by right-clicking the structure in a file explorer to open its Properties then clicking References.
For more information, see:
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