This applies to: Managed Dashboards, Managed Reports
Define Access to Data Discovery Connectors
Part of defining your tenant workspace is giving access to appropriate projects and connectors within Symphony for their exclusive use.
The <GLOBAL> project and a shared series of connectors are created, and you'll need to restrict your tenant's access to the GLOBAL project.
Give tenant users access to their Visual Data Discovery connector.
Remove access to the GLOBAL project
Log in to Symphony as a system Admin user and open the Managed Dashboards work area. Your main dashboards work area opens.
Select Profile > Administration from the main menu. The Symphony Overview work area opens, including an expanded main menu with administration options.
Select Projects / File System > Projects. The Projects work area opens.
Select the <GLOBAL> project, then Edit. The Properties modal for this project opens.
Select Security to open the Security work area.
Find the group Everyone in the Groups and Accounts area, then select the trash can icon to remove access.
Select Save to save your changes. The Security work area closes, returning you to the Properties modal.
Select Save to save your changes. The Properties modal for this project closes. Your users can no longer access a shared GLOBAL project.
Next, create and give your tenant users access to a Data Discovery connector.
Create your tenant's Data Discovery connector
Log in to Symphony as a system Admin user and open the Managed Dashboards work area. Your main dashboards work area opens.
Select Profile > Administration from the main menu. The Symphony Overview work area opens, including an expanded main menu with administration options.
Select Projects / File System > File Explorer. The File Explorer work area opens.
Select the Tenant Filter field, then select and Save your tenant to filter the Symphony files down to items your tenant can access. Expand the folders under your tenant's project to expose the Data Connectors folder.
Right click the Data Connectors folder, then select the menu option New Data Connector. The New data connector work area opens.
Select the Name field to open a Save modal. Enter a Name for your data discovery folder, and select a location where you'll save the new connector.
Note: This data connector will give your tenants access to all of their data sources defined in Visual Data Discovery. Select Save to save your changes. You're returned to the New data connector work area.
Select Data Discovery from the Data Provider drop-downlist.
Add the Data provider information:
Address - the location of the Data Discovery information:
.Authentication - the authentication method. Select Trusted Token.
User Name - the name of the tenant admin account you defined earlier. Case sensitive.
Important: If you disable Trusted Access in a multi-tenancy environment, data retrieved through the Data Discovery connector you created is fetched using the tenant admin's credentials instead of each user's credentials. Effectively, all row level security settings are removed on the data retrieved.
Select Test connection to test the communication among the information resources in Symphony. When you get a success message, you can Save your changes and users can create and use sources in Data Discovery and use them in Managed Dashboards and Reports.
Now that you've created a tenant, tenant admin, tenant project, and defined a data connection through Visual Data Discovery, you can add and edit more tenant users to consume and create analytics content in their tenant.
For more information, see:
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