Modify Row Security Definitions
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
Modify row security for a data discovery data source
Log into Symphony as a user in a group that has been granted the Administer Sources privilege, or a user in a group that has been granted the Manage Source Permissions privilege and who also has read permission for the data source.
If the user name you log in with is also associated with other Symphony accounts, verify that the correct account is selected. See Switch Tenants.
Select the Sources option from sthe main menu. The Sources page appears.
Locate the data source for which you want to restrict data access and select
in the Row column for the data source. The Row Security dialog appears.
To modify a row security definition, select it on the left side of the Row Security dialog. The settings for the definition appear in the Filter Details on the right side of the dialog and can be modified.
Modify any of the information for the row security definition, as described in Add Row Security Definitions. When you are finished, select Save to save the row security settings.
When all row security definition modifications have been made, select Close to close the Row Security dialog.
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