Add Filter Snippets to a Dashboard
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
When you create a dashboard or edit an existing dashboard, add filter snippets to allow your users to view and highlight data pulled from one or more sources in multiple visuals. Filter by three data types: Attribute, Number, or Time. Link multiple filter snippets to provide secondary and tertiary filtering on your visual data.
Note: When you create a filter snippet, it is linked to the dashboard you've added it to. If you delete a dashboard, the snippet is deleted as well.
Create a New Filter Snippet
Create or edit a dashboard that includes one or more visuals.
To add a snippet to an existing dashboard, log in as a user with
permissions for the dashboard.If you are creating a new dashboard, log in as a user with the Create Dashboards or Administer Dashboards group privilege.
Select the Add Filter Snippet icon
in the dashboard icon bar. A new filter snippet is added in a widget on the dashboard, ready to edit.
Select the Settings icon
from the Show More menu
to open the filter snippet sidebar menu. See Use The Filter Snippet Sidebar Menu.
Define the Data Settings for this filter snippet by selecting a Data Type of Attribute, Number, Time, or Hierarchy.
Select an Operator for your Data Type. Available operators are dependent on the data type selected.
Select an available Source. Any visuals in this dashboard that use this source can be affected by this filter snippet.
Select an available Value Column. After you've made this selection, other options may be available that allow you to define how the data is presented. After making these choices, select Apply.
Optionally, select the Filters sidebar menu to add more filters to the snippet that utilize the same or different sources.
Select Connect Widgets from the Show More menu
to add visuals or to link existing filter snippets you want filtered to this filter snippet. The Connect Widgets work area opens.
Select Add Widget. Select a Widget Name and an available Field. Repeat to add as many widgets as desired.
Select the remove icon
to remove a widget from the filter.
Select the connect icon to connect all widgets present in the dashboard for the data source.
Select Apply to use the selected widgets to this filter snippet. If you have added all available widgets, the work area closes and links the widgets automatically.
Save the dashboard.
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