Grant Permissions for a Source
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
You can grant read, write, or delete data source configuration permissions for your tenant, groups in your tenant, or specific users in your tenant.
Grant permissions for a data source
Log into Symphony as an administrator or a user belonging to a group that includes the Administer Sources or the Manage Source Permissions privilege. If you are logged in as a tenant admin, verify you're in or switch to the appropriate tenant.
Select the Data Sources option from menu. The Sources work area opens.
Locate the row for the data source configuration in the list and select icon in its Permissions column. The Source Permissions dialog appears.
Initially, this dialog lists only the creator of the data source.
Select Add on the Source Permissions dialog and then select Groups, Users, or Tenant from the drop-down menu.
If you select Groups, the Add Groups dialog appears, listing all the groups available in your tenant. The supplied groups are not shown; permissions can not be changed for those groups.
If you select Users, the Add Users dialog appears, listing all the users available in your tenant.
If you select Tenant, Read permission is selected for your tenant on the Source Permissions dialog.
Select the tenant or any specific groups or users you want to permit to read, write, or delete the data source and select Apply. The Source Permissions dialog lists your selections.
Members of the Administrators group have data access, read, write, and delete permissions for every data source in the tenant.
The user who creates a data source is automatically selected and has Data Access, Read, Write, and Delete permissions.
Select the Data Access, Read, Write, or Delete checkboxes for the tenant, groups, or users to indicate what users in them can do with the data source. Data Access permission is assumed and is always selected. If you clear (uncheck) the check box (revoke Data Access permission), permission for the entire data source is revoked for the tenant, group, or user after you save.
Select Save. The Save Details dialog appears, listing the changes that you made.
Review the changes and select OK. The source authorization permissions are set.
Permissions for imported objects
When you import dashboards, associated resources such as visuals, sources, and connections are imported as well. You can quickly grant default access levels to all imported and associated objects in your tenants by enabling Share Default Access With All Users at import time. Users are granted Data Access to Sources and Read access to Visuals and Dashboards.
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