Save a Dashboard
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
When you create a new dashboard, you can save it with no content in the library. You are prompted to add a new visual or an existing visual, but you can add a rich text snippet or simply save the dashboard and return to edit it later. The dashboard is saved in the library.
When you attempt to save changes to a dashboard, Symphony automatically saves any changes to:
local visuals
rich text snippets
filter snippets
added and repositioned shared visuals with no unsaved data changes
If your dashboard includes shared visual gallery visuals, Symphony checks to for unsaved data changes to the visuals. If there are unsaved changes, you can elect to save each affected visual when you save the dashboard.
Note: When you save a dashboard, only the last time bar field you were using and its range and playback configuration are saved.
The following factors affect your ability to save a dashboard and its visuals.
You must log in as an Owner or Editor of a dashboard, or have the Create Dashboards privilege.
Shared visual gallery visuals are saved if you have Create Visuals (or Administer Visuals) privilege.
The visuals on the dashboard will only be saved if write permission for the visual has been granted to the user, one of the user's groups, or the user's Symphony account. See About Visual Permissions.
Save a dashboard
In the dashboard header, select the Save icon (
) on the dashboard icon bar. (The Save As (
) icon allows you to make a copy of the dashboard.)
The Save Options dialog appears.
In the Name box, enter a title for your dashboard. This is the name by which the dashboard will be saved.
If you want to save the dashboard using a different name, change it here. The original dashboard is renamed. See Rename a Data Discovery Dashboard
If you want to make a copy of a dashboard using a different name, see Copy a Dashboard.
If you want to provide details about your dashboard, do this in the Description box. A maximum of 750 characters can be specified. Leading and trailing spaces are not allowed.
Review the list of shared visuals with unsaved changes on the Existing Visuals tab, if there are any.
Select the checkbox on this tab to save the changes to the visuals. Leave the checkbox cleared if you do not want to save the changes to the existing visuals. When you save them, the visuals are changed on every dashboard on which they are used. If you do not save the visuals, your changes will be discarded when you close the dashboard (a warning dialog displays first).
Select Save to save the dashboard or Cancel to cancel.
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