Elasticsearch Source Document Storage Configurations
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
Elasticsearch data stores generally store the original JSON source documents passed when Elasticsearch performs its document indexing in the _source
field in the index. However, some organizations disable the _source
field to save storage and thus do not store the original JSON source documents.
Symphony Elasticsearch 7 and 8 connectors support Elasticsearch data stores with any of the following source document configurations:
Source documents disabled. For example:
... "mappings": {
"_source": {
"enabled": false }, } ... -
Source documents enabled, but with some source exclusions. For example:
... "mappings": { "_source": { "enabled": true, "includes": [ "order_*" ], "excludes": [ "order_items.*" ] } }, ... -
Source documents enabled, with no exclusions.
... "mappings": {
"_source": {
"enabled": true } }, ...
The data sources created from connections to Elasticsearch data stores with any of these configurations function almost identically.
Known Issue Summary
The following known issues exist when the _source
field is disabled or when it is enabled with exclusions:
Raw data presentation will vary, depending on the source from which the raw field data is fetched. In particular, fused data sources may be affected where Elasticsearch indices with different mappings are joined (for example, when such indices are joined by an IP field and one of them allows Symphony to fetch the data from the original documents but another requires Symphony to fetch the data from doc values). See Raw Data Differences .
The last value metric may be computed incorrectly for nested fields. Last value metrics are computed incorrectly when a time field is higher in the nested hierarchy or when a time field does not belong to the same hierarchy as the metric field.
Raw data is not available for some nested fields in multi-index Elasticsearch data sources. When a nested field exists in some indices but is absent in other indices, the field's raw data is not available. It is represented as having a NULL value in all documents when it is included in a table.
Some nested fields are not searchable in multi-index data sources. When a nested field exists in some indices but is absent in other indices, it cannot be used in text search queries. Such fields will not be used for text searches.
Raw Data Differences
The following Symphony functions are impacted by the source document storage configuration of your Elasticsearch data stores:
The data source collection preview on the Indices tab of the data source configuration
Text search results
Last value metric computations.
Symphony fetches the raw value of a field (including its last value metric result) in the following order:
If the field is stored, the stored value is fetched.
If the field is available in the original stored document, the value in the original stored document is fetched.
If doc values are available for the field and the field is not a text field, the doc value is fetched. For more information, see Text Field Raw Data Considerations.
Results vary based on the source from which the value was fetched, as described in the following table:
Value Fetched From | Differences from the original stored document |
The stored value |
The doc value |
Text Field Raw Data Considerations
Doc values are enabled by default for all fields, except for text fields. Consequently, by default, even if the original document is not stored or some fields are excluded from it, raw data is available for all fields, except for text fields.
An alternative structure called field data can be used for text fields. However, field data contains a set of terms for a text field, not its original value.
For this reason, raw data for a text field is not available if the text field is not stored in the index and cannot be fetched from the original document.
For example, the following mapping specifies that original documents should not be stored and declares two fields: name
of type keyword
and description
of type text
Raw data for the text field description
is not available in the index. To make raw data available for this field, declare it stored, as shown below:
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