Set a Configuration Value From the Command Line
This applies to: Managed Dashboards, Managed Reports
This article shows you how to set the value of a configuration setting in the Global scope using the dt command line tool.
You can also use the /reset argument to reset the setting's values in all scopes and scope targets such as servers.
View the Help Page
On the server where Symphony is installed, open a command prompt or terminal and navigate to the tools folder containing the dt tool. For details, see Using the dt command line tool.
In the command prompt window, dt help setConfigValue to get the help page for this command.
Get the Setting Identifier
You can specify the setting identifier in two ways:
- As the ID of the setting.
- As a string in the form of moduleID:settingName.
Setting ID
Each configuration setting has a unique ID (GUID string). For example, the ID of the Data Warehouse Connection String setting is 5C42F315-99B5-4AEE- ADDF-3783E0841571.
You can find the IDs of other Core configuration settings by looking at the remarks of the members from the CoreConfigSettingIds Class.
Module ID
Some settings are loaded via a module and require the module ID to be identified (for example, settings defined in a hosting application such as DBI Web App).
The possible modules are Core, Web, or an extension. You can find the module ID of each extension using the API.
Run dt
At the command prompt, enter the following:
dt setConfigValue /appcs:"your connection string" /settingId:ID of config setting /value:"new config value"
Example showing how to set the Data Warehouse Connection String setting using dt:
dt setConfigValue /appcs:"Data Source=SERVER1\;Initial Catalog='DundasBI_AppDB';Integrated Security=True" /settingId:5C42F315-99B5-4AEE-AD DF-3783E0841571 /value:"Data Source=SERVER1\;Initial Catalog='DundasBI_WarehouseDB';User ID=DundasUser;Password=********"
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