How to Reset the Admin Password
This applies to: Managed Dashboards, Managed Reports
This article shows a couple of ways to reset the Symphony administrator password.
Use the Forgot Password Link
Go to the Symphony Log On screen and click the Forgot Password link.
Under Forgot My Password, type admin as your Account Name and click Submit.
The admin user will receive a Reset Password email containing a link for changing the password.
Note: For installations of Symphony, the email settings need to be configured correctly for this option to work.
Use the dt Command Line Tool
If Symphony was installed, log on to its server computer and use a command prompt or terminal to navigate to the tools folder containing the dt tool. For details, see Using the dt Command Line Tool.
Use the resetAdminPassword command. For example:
dt resetAdminPassword
When prompted, enter a new password and press Enter:
Note: As an alternative, you can provide the password as an argument in the initial command. For example: dt resetAdminPassword /password:1234.
For more information, see:
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