Get Started With Symphony 23
Symphony is an embeddable business intelligence platform for data exploration, visual analytics, and creating & sharing dashboards, reports, and more. You can deploy it as the central data portal for your organization, or integrate it into an existing website as part of a custom or embedded BI solution. Symphony is flexible enough to adapt to your needs and to every type of user.
The following steps guide you through the process of installing and configuring the Symphony platform and provides an overview of developing self service content.
Verify you have an environment that meets the System Requirements and Prerequisites to install Symphony.
Install Symphony using the supplied Helm chart. See Install Symphony - Kubernetes.
Add any connectors users need to create data sources, if not added during installation.
If needed to embed content, set up CORS for Visual Data Discovery, and CORS for Managed Dashboards and Managed Reports, if not added during installation.
License the product, to remove the temporary license or if a new license is required. See Request and Apply a New License Key.
Add new tenants if used in your environment. See Multi-Tenancy in Symphony.
Use the system admin credentials you provided at installation to add additional users as administrative or other users as needed for your environment.
Open the Visual Data Discovery work area, and select Data Sources to create data sources and define their access permissions for your environment. All Symphony users who are granted permissions can access the data sources created using Visual Data Discovery.
If users create visuals and dashboards in the Visual Data Discovery module, they can use these data sources to build their content.
If users create visuals, dashboards, reports, scorecards, and more in Managed Dashboards and Manged Reports, they can access these data sources to build their content.
Note: Users can navigate to the Managed Dashboards or Managed Reports work area, then select Open > Data Connector > Data Connectors > Shared > Data Discovery to see the sources shared from the Visual Data Discovery module.
Open the Managed Dashboards or Managed Reports work area, and select New from the main menu. A Create menu expands. Select Data Connector to open the New data connector work area. See Create a new data connector.
Users can create content in the Managed Dashboards and Managed Reports modules using any data sources available globally. See Create and View Content, Symphony Scorecards, and Symphony Managed Reports to get started.
Users can create content in the Visual Data Discovery module using data sources available in that module. See Create Data Discovery Dashboards and Add Visuals to the Visual Gallery.
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