Control How Cross-Visual Filters Interact in a Dashboard
This applies to: Visual Data Discovery
You can control how cross-visual filters interact in a dashboard. Cross-visual filters are filters created using same-source and cross-source link fields established in the dashboard. You can control which same-source and cross-source link fields each dashboard visual can publish (apply cross-visual filters for) and which links each dashboard visual subscribes to (which cross-visual filters can be applied to the visual).
Using the Cross-Visual Filtering tab of the Dashboard Interactions dialog, you can specify which links each dashboard visual publishes and which each visual subscribes to.
When a visual publishes a link, that visual can apply cross-visual filters using the link field to other dashboard visuals that have subscribed to the link. Cross-visual filters can only be applied if the associated link is published. In addition, they can only be applied using the Filter option on the context menu.
When a visual subscribes to a link, the visual will be filtered by the link field if another visual creates a cross-visual filter for the same field.
Custom cross-visual filters can also be created in your Javascript code. See Publish Custom Cross-Visual Filters.
Dashboard links are created for a dashboard in two ways:
Each visual in a dashboard automatically creates same-source links for each field (column) in the data source that it uses. Same-source link names have the format:
.When a visual is added to a dashboard, its same-source links are created and the links are published. In addition, the visual is automatically subscribed to its own same-source links.
You can create cross-source links for common fields in different data sources used on the same dashboard. See Use Cross-Source Links. These links can also be published and subscribed in a dashboard.
See the following topics:
- Understand the Cross-Visual Filtering Tab
- Publish a Link
- Mute a Published Link
- Revoke a Published Link
- Subscribe a Visual to a Link
- Mute a Subscribed Link for a Visual
- Specify Cross-Visual Filters for Cross-Visual Links
- Publish Custom Cross-Visual Filters
- Subscribe to a Cross-Visual Filter
- Date-Time Formats in Cross-Visual Filters
- Embed Cross-Visual Link Publish and Subscribe Settings Using JavaScript
- Custom Chart Support for Cross-Visual Links and Filters
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