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Using the Embedded Application

This applies to: Managed Dashboards, Managed Reports

After creating the embedded application object, you can access the following properties on it. See Embedded Methods for information on methods to use.

Application Properties


Gets or sets the controller type to load, which matches the portion of a Symphony URL following the base URL.

Type: dundas.embed.ControllerType or String (can be null). Predefined values include:

  • dundas.embed.ControllerType.DASHBOARD
  • dundas.embed.ControllerType.REPORT
  • dundas.embed.ControllerType.SCORECARD
  • dundas.embed.ControllerType.SHORTLINK
  • dundas.embed.ControllerType.SLIDESHOW
  • dundas.embed.ControllerType.SMALL_MULTIPLE
  • dundas.embed.ControllerType.METRIC_SET
  • dundas.embed.ControllerType.DATA_CUBE
  • dundas.embed.ControllerType.CUBE_PERSPECTIVE
  • dundas.embed.ControllerType.HIERARCHY
  • dundas.embed.ControllerType.ADMIN
  • dundas.embed.ControllerType.HOME

Gets or sets the Symphony URL to connect to. For example,

Type: String


Gets or sets the file system entry ID of an existing file such as a dashboard, metric set, etc., if controllerType is set to one of those file types. This can also be unset (null) to create a new file of that type.

Type: String (can be null)


Gets the ID for the Symphony embedded application.

Type: String


Gets or sets the logon token ID.

Type: String (can be null)


Gets or sets the session token.

Type: String (can be null)


Gets or sets other URL parameter options.

For example:

  • [new dundas.embed.UrlParameterOption("cultureName", "fr-FR")] To provide an option for French

  • [new dundas.embed.UrlParameterOption("e", "true")] To open a dashboard in edit mode

Type: Array (can be null)

ElementType: dundas.embed.UrlParameterOption - construction: new dundas.embed.UrlParameterOption(name, value)


Gets or sets the parameter values to pass to a view such as a dashboard. The values are in a similar format as when passed via query string.

For example:

[new dundas.embed.ParameterValue("viewParameter2", "$Today$")

Type: Array (can be null)

ElementType: dundas.embed.ParameterValue - construction: new dundas.embed.ParameterValue(name, value)

shortLinkGets or sets the short link value following the /Link/?shortLink= portion of the link (for example: ae6swdek5p5r3gm3m4oaguqujo) if controllerType is SHORTLINK, for example when using a shared link. Type: String (can be null)

Gets or sets the view options when displaying a view such as a dashboard. If unset (null), the view options from a shortlink (if applicable) or the default will be used.

Type: dundas.embed.ViewOptions or String (can be null). Possible values include:

  • dundas.embed.ViewOptions.MENU_ONLY
  • dundas.embed.ViewOptions.MENU_TOOLBAR
  • dundas.embed.ViewOptions.MENU_TOOLBAR_TASKBAR
  • dundas.embed.ViewOptions.NONE
  • dundas.embed.ViewOptions.TOOLBAR_ONLY
  • dundas.embed.ViewOptions.VIEW_ONLY

Embedded Application Example

This sample creates a Symphony embedded application, sets some properties, and loads it:

<head> <script src="/Scripts/Embed/dundas.embed.min.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> </head> ... <body> <div id="dundasBI2"> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var dundasBIUrl = ''; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) { // ***************************************************************************** // It is usually best practice to get the logon token at the server. // Credentials should not be specified directly in script unless they should be // freely available to users. // ***************************************************************************** dundas.embed.logon.getLogonToken( dundasBIUrl, { "accountName": "viewer", "password": "1234", "isWindowsLogOn": true }, function(getLogOnTokenResultData) { var dundasApp = dundas.embed.create( document.getElementById('dundasBI2'), { } ); dundasApp.dundasBIUrl = dundasBIUrl; dundasApp.controllerType = dundas.embed.ControllerType.DASHBOARD; dundasApp.fileSystemId = 'f22ce55f-04cd-4207-9dd7-2cadeb44b96c'; dundasApp.viewOptions = dundas.embed.ViewOptions.TOOLBAR_ONLY; dundasApp.logonTokenId = getLogOnTokenResultData.logOnToken; dundasApp.parameterValues = [ new dundas.embed.ParameterValue( "viewParameter2", "!" + 25000 + "~" + dundas.embed.tokens.basic.OPEN_RANGE ) ]; dundasApp.otherUrlParameterOptions = [ new dundas.embed.UrlParameterOption( "cultureName", "fr-FR" ) ]; dundasApp.load(); } ) }); </script> </body>

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