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Column Aggregation Functions

This applies to: Visual Data Discovery

Column aggregation functions aggregate data using all the data displayed on a visual. They group results in the same way that the visual itself groups its data. For example, if your visual shows data grouped by gender (male and female), then column aggregation functions return two results, one for males and one for females. Only data included in the visual by any filters that have been applied are included in the results.

The following table describes the supported column aggregation functions.

FunctionParameter TypeDescription
AVG(<field>) numeric

Returns the average of a column (field), grouped in the same manner as the visual data.

COUNT(<field>) any

Returns the numeric count of values in a column (field), grouped in the same manner as the visual data.

This aggregate function normally ignores null values for the specified field. Consequently, the result of this aggregate function may not be the same as the actual number of records in the data.

Use the wildcard character (*) for <field> to include null values for the field in the count.

COUNTD(<field>) any

Returns the numeric count of unique values in a column (field), grouped in the same manner as the visual data.

This aggregate function normally ignores null values for the specified field. Consequently, the result of this aggregate function may not be the same as the actual number of records in the data.

Use the wildcard character (*) for <field> to include null values for the field in the count.

MAX(<field>) numeric

Returns the maximum value of a column (field), grouped in the same manner as the visual data.

MIN(<field>) numeric

Returns the minimum value of a column (field), grouped in the same manner as the visual data.

SUM(<field>) numeric

Returns the sum of a column (field), grouped in the same manner as the visual data.

FIRST_VALUE(<field>) any

Returns the first value of a given expression in the group, as when the expression is sorted in the ascending order.

LAST_VALUE(<field>) any

Returns the last value of a given expression in the group, as when the expression is sorted in the ascending order.

STDDEV_POP(<field>) numeric

Computes the population standard deviation and returns the square root of the population variance.

STDDEV_SAMP(<field>) numeric

Computes the cumulative sample standard deviation and returns the square root of the sample variance.

VAR_POP(<field>) numeric

Returns the population standard variance of a given expression.

VAR_SAMP(<field>) numeric

Returns the sample variance of a given expression.

MEDIAN(<field>) numeric

Computes the median value across the group.


Suppose you have the following fields and data in a data source:


To use this data set to create a custom metric called Leftover (a group's leftover money), use the following formula.

SUM( earned ) - SUM( spent )

If you used the Leftover custom metric in a visual grouping by gender using the data above, you would get the results shown below.


Males have $7, derived from (10+8+2) - (2+3+8). Females have -$2 left over, derived from (5+4) - (5+6). If you used the same custom metric in a visual grouping by city, you would see Rockville having $13, from (10+8+5) - (2+3+5), and Reston having -$8, from (4+2) - (6+8).

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